All Nations Together Bible College - Statutes
Chapter 1: Presentation and Introduction:
Nature: All Nations Together Bible College. This is a Christian private mission and doesn’t have any political character or any social injustice, and the hands of non-profit organization.
Historical foundation:
All Nations Together Bible College was started on December 16, 2007 in Kampala, Uganda by conversations of Christian couple exchanging ideas and finding out necessary points that can help us to know what we can do for God in our spiritual and physical life. On that day, we didn’t conclude our ideas, proposed another meeting and we continued praying for wisdom and strength to do what is in God's will through it we know our objectives, vision and mission.
However, the subject wasn’t easy because the dependency that we had physical, moral, and material was hard to sustain, but we thanked God on December 16, 2008 for helping us putting all the good elements and ideas together for one objective, which is our bible college status, and we are ready to present to the government authorities the objective, vision and mission in details. So, the leaders of foundation (Bob Bisimwa, and Mapendo Kisirani) concluded that the subject will be called All Nations Together Bible College, in short (A.N.T.B.C.)
Our objective is to enforce the mission that Jesus Christ left for us on earth and joining with everyone who have the same objective. For preaching the word of God, save humanity, and shining to the everlasting life of the kingdom of heaven and also looking for the lost sheep to return to the shepherd.
Specific objective and global:
Our specific objective and global idea is to balance the security spirit for Assembly of God in rural and urban areas for the learning of the bible from the northern, west, east, and the southern parts of Africa. Especially In creating of bible college in Kampala, Uganda as the beginning of the foundation for preaching of salvation through the blood of our lord Jesus Christ and for reminding the Assembly of God's people to go back to Jesus, and prepare them for the final judgment.
Project start and Delays of the project:
The activities of the project started as soon as the government authority prove the project and then we officially started the A.N.T.B.C, and then we signal that the delay is not limited.
Place, zone and location of activity:
Up to now A.N.T.B.C stands on its own actively in one province and this province represents its status in Kampala, Uganda in Africa, waiting to put all the necessary elements together so that the mechanism may start.
A. Different strategies of mental assistance:
* Counseling
* Evaluation
* Children and Adults Support service
* Volunteer training service
- Connection Ministry
- Jail Ministry
- Hospital Ministry
- Marriage Counseling
- Church Services
Remember a church is like a body of Christ where we are suppose to be and put all the necessary elements together, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ's name to build one nation which is Christian church to serve God.
We serve God through different ministries; we preach the word of God from the holy bible by mission, evangelism and pastors’ ministry, Praising and worshiping God by singing and prayer ministry, Fellowship and Community ministry, correlating families, children, and women including marriage families, youth, deacons, financial ministry, and management ministry.
We are organized in an official and specific way of identifying the responsibility of the department for our project. Representation of department by abbreviation of responsibility in organization diagram.
Department in abbreviation means
GA-General assemble
RED-representative of executive director
VC-vice representative
GS-General secretary
CMC-Church ministry co-ordinator
FH-financial head
FH-Faculty Head
SSC-social service coordinator
GA-General Advisor
TM-Transportation and Maintenance
C.S-customer service
Chapter 3
Conclusions and finally: regards and thanks
Final article and in brief of the status article;
This general and global point that is necessary for the status that we are: general and global article and it remains in our responsibility.
-That is stable and stands on the ten commandments of God from the new and old Testament, together in one that we use to work for one God, creator of all.
Resource of information:
This will help us to discover people who must be contacted with different reasons and condition for more information on evangelist -bob bismwe Nkomere C.E.O (chief executive officer) founder of representation of historical philosophy of A.N.T.B.C.
-Reverend Pastor Paul Agamire General Advisor
-Mapendo Kisirani president of general assembly
Historical reference
History reference back from the history reference we have reported the history reference in a short briefing from the first page which is a decision of the foundation of history A.N.T.B.C to remember that the whole history repeats itself and more without forgetting that even Jesus recognized the old prophets which are Isaiah, Moses. And john the Baptist and the prophet visionary need to show. Doctrine in shortly our Christian faith and other people encourage us to help as we begin the work of God that we got.
Faith and origin doctrine:
Our church Assembly of God, faith of Christianity Pentecostal doctrine which believes in the trinity of heaven which means it divided in three different are the God the Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe in the bible as respected book to head as into spiritual world we believe in prophecy as a way to talk to God.
We believe in life and death as the road to heaven we also believe in baptism in large waters as a symbol of rebirth, we believe in taking communion as a symbol of remembrance of the body and blood of Christ and finally believe that there is judgment day and life after death.
But still remember that the All Nations Assembly of God approached us and we formed physically spiritual by Pastor Paul Agamire with help by first Assembly of God with under the leadership of Dakota’s district and missionary’s headquarters of Assembly of God, which we are Bible College.
Chapter 4: Global Point’s Necessity
Necessary text of the program organization;
The global point’s necessary for us, we have engaged in signing all the responsibility that we have proposed as the necessary responsibility in our life to help us help others so that we may go ahead and finish the good work as the beginning.
We are for sure that we are strong and ready in any situation without confusion and we believe that we will confirm attend to our responsibility object, mission in Jesus Christ’s name therefore we put the word of the Testaments as our testimony and encourage everyone who will join A.N.T.B.C must have no doubt.
We will not backfire and will never act in a negative to take this as deception because will believe that tempted does not join faith and faith doesn’t join temptation and remind that the kingdom of god is prepared for those who are strong in faith.
We will be the soldiers and vigilant to join with God against the spiritual enemy with practice of interpretation of our bible college,
Example: antichrist who was and doesn’t have a stand approved through our spiritual experience to keep our faith more than anything else keep it so that we glorify men of Jesus. We will try to be honest and prudent in judgment to promote humanity in the spiritual world in a big faith of Christ education bible and more in that time find ourselves in different condition or situation we cannot deny out faith or being corrupted to deny god because the bible says it is easy to gain the kingdom like handicap other then going to help.
Since we believe and confirm all the reasons we A.N.T.B.C like servants of god watch up and remember this other words, which are like question and must be examined.
Before joining us, what is your objection to join the A.T.B.C vision? Mission and what you choose to do or are for benefits also of responsibility of his life through decision only he kept the creator of revelation but left you all through your own decision so, run and hide so that we may not be like our own firs parents Adam and Eve and for that we conclude that we will be in need of getting path step by step with a person who needs our services so that we may help one another
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