Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ministries and missions overseas


It was a sunny, bright morning when the Bible School students, teachers and the whole staff at large woke up to a great kingdom assignment.  April 9, 2011 was still fresh in the minds of many in our community for it was the day we launched the long awaited childcare’s Idea program.  Children and their guardians arrived on the ground of our rented campus as early as 7:00 AM.  Thankfully our registrars were in place for the great exercise of its kind. Beginning with a word of prayer from one of the teachers, followed by an introduction by our principal pastor Steven Katende, the children’s program coordinator (Rev. Elie Nondo Mboboci) was ready to launch this great kingdom assignment.

The greatest part of the assignment included registering the children for several hours, and eventually giving them a bite to share.  However the coordinator told them that Jesus said in Matthew 19:14 “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”

This program has attracted many children whose guardians are unable to financially support their children due to low income, which was brought by war and HIV, sexual harassment and others tropical sickness including situations like malaria.  The program of course pays special attention to children who have been molested and at times continue to be abused in their homes or community.

All Nations Together Bible College (A.N.T.B.C.) has formed a team of committed people who have given themselves to train students who are full of God’s love and his power, whom voluntarily will help children within their life in the community; Paying attention to each one of them, their desires, and dreams.  Our hope and dream is to help these generations to have a better future like any other child whom God created to live a life of fullness.

Amazingly the program has attracted more than 400 children (198 boys and 266 girls).  Now our dilemma is who to help and not knowing whom to leave out.  Most children are very needy and their parents or guardians live on less than a dollar per day. Our prayer is that God will cause men and women who love him and have a heart for children to come forth for their cry.  Children ideas is a project to support and encourage children who are victims of bad living, life which are left behind by their parent due to the social problems are: war HIV/AIDS sexual harassment and these are social in justice.  It’s because of this that A.N.T.B.C. came together as a team of volunteer workers which is mobile to censure the adults like parents guardian and foster parents to bring awareness of these lonely children so it can help to find a good way how to protect them from everything happening to them now and in the future.

Goal: Our goal is to provide better programs that help to improve the lives of these children in their spiritual and physical journey, and motivate them to become an effective young men and women in their community regardless of their gender or religion etc.

Vision: Our vision is to empower these children who are helpless to become better people of tomorrow through the integrity of A.N.T.B.C. in the own community. These children need your kindness to be God’s hands to them, to help them succeed in life, regardless of their difficulties, and conditions. Your contribution toward this program and the bible school will be a big help to us, praying that God will speak to your hearts, to touch the lives of the little ones whom our Lord Jesus Christ loved most. Briefly!  Listen to the request and testimony from these children, guardian and student…

“My name is Rodrick Peter I lost my family since my father was killed in the war and my mother remarried to another man in which later she died of aids, and I was left to stay with my grandmother who is now sick and paralyzes from sickness which she doesn’t even know, this has made me and my two little brothers to go bagging from place to place for food. Our ages are 6-8 years old, if we get food we are full we don’t care where to sleep, I hope that whoever gives us a support has solve our conditions of being without parents, but have done the work of God in our lives. I am one of the child whom is looking to pursue this opportunity of an education, as young boy, willing to go to school, my father registered me to attend school, but suddenly my mom died, and my father had to marry another woman, which this new woman, my step mother do not support my education. But every time when I see friends going to school and back, I feel intimidated because no one looked in my conditions. 

I thank God for what He has done in my life, because based on the age I have, he saved me while am still young. My word of appreciation goes to ANTBC for teaching me how to read and write in English which have helped me to enter a theology program to accomplish my dreams, but my heart is broken in every time when I heard lots of my friends lost and died in their young age, because of the sin in the world, and all these children are without help, they wasted time, not knowing they are playing with their own lives, so My dream is to finish my study in theology to see how I can help ANTBC especially in the area of finance, and strengthen a good library which I discover is good way to help and to minister the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  My thanks go to the NTBC team member who works hard so that I can be what I am spiritually today.

"I appeal to you that these children need your help, assist them in their difficult conditions of life.  So your support depends on what the Lord said to your hearts. I pray that God can use you as a tool on his hands. God bless you.”

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